Proclamation Ministries is governed by a board of men and women who love the Lord and have a vision for world missions. In addition to the governing board, the ministry continuously seeks the counsel and wisdom of persons of “good testimony among those who are outside” and submits to the spiritual covering of the local church.
This is a faith ministry; therefore, we look to the Lord for our financial needs. We also believe in informing the saints of our needs so they may pray specifically and financially support this ministry as the Lord enables.
Dr. Abraham Philip receives no salary from Proclamation Ministries and volunteers his time to the ministry as a labor of love for the advancement of the gospel. He donates all honorariums from his preaching and teaching ministry to Proclamation Ministries.
Proclamation Ministries believes that financial contribution from donors is an expression of their sacred trust and a “sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God” (Phil. 4: 18). Therefore, all funds are used for ministry expenses, with less than 5% for administrative costs.